Single/Plus Utils

This contract can check the available reward for Single / Plus Pool of the KLAYswap service.


Read-Only Functions


function getPendingSingleReward(address pool, address user) public view returns (
    uint reward
  • Claimable KSP reward information in a specific single pool

  • Input Parameters

    • pool : Single Pool address

    • user : User address

  • Outputs

    • reward : Claimable KSP reward


function getPendingPlusReward(address pool, address user) public view returns (
    uint reward
  • Claimable KSP reward information in a specific plus pool

  • Input Parameters

    • pool : Plus Pool address

    • user : User address

  • Outputs

    • reward : Claimable KSP reward


function getSinglePoolBalance(address pool, address user) public view returns (
    uint ibal, uint bal
  • Query the number of assets of a user in a specific SinglePool

  • Input Parameters

    • pool : Single Pool address

    • user : User address

  • Outputs

    • ibal : Number of iTokens deposited by users

    • bal : The number of tokens corresponding to the iToken deposited by the user


function getPlusPoolStatus(address pool, address user) public view returns (
    uint lp, uint debtA, uint debtB
  • User's current status in a specific PlusPool

  • Input Parameters

    • pool : Plus Pool address

    • user : User address

  • Outputs

    • lp : The number of LPs that the user is depositing in PlusPool

    • debtA : The number of tokenA borrowed by the user

    • debtB : The number of tokenB borrowed by the user