How to create a liquidity pool on KLAYswap

If the pool you wish to add liquidity to does not exist, you can create it. There are two important things you need to prepare: 1) A pair of tokens (A+B) that you wish to provide, and 2) 100 KSP tokens to pay for creating the liquidity pool.

To create a liquidity pool on KLAYswap, you have to go to the ‘LP Deposit” page by clicking the menu on the top. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the ‘Add Liquidity Pool’ button, and click it.

As the first liquidity provider, you have to select the ‘Token 1’ and type a contract address of the 'Token 2' in the red box with the initial exchange ratio. After then, click the ‘Create a pair’ button.

Please, remember creating a new pair requires 100KSP tokens in your wallet.

*In KLAYswap, the initial exchange ratio means price.