Single Deposit Pool liquidity providers who deposit tokens corresponding to each pool will receive iTunes as proof of their stake in liquidity. Once a user withdraws the deposited asset, iToken will be returned and the users will receive a token with the accumulated deposit interest according to iToken exchange rate at that time. iToken holders not only receive deposit interest but also KSP rewards.
KSP reward: For liquidity providers, a certain amount of KSP inflation will be rewarded during the liquidity deposited period.
Deposit interest reward: The deposited Single Pool assets are utilized as the leverage resources for Plus Depoist Pool. And the expenses paid by the Plus Pool users will be distributed back to Single Pool depositors. And the distributed revenue will be automatically included in users' deposited assets.
iToken holders can estimate the KSP annual reward rate of 1 iToken as follows
APR changes in real-time according to the iToken price and KSP price.
SP Provider KSP reward APY = ((1+ APR / 365) ^ 365 -1) * 100
Daily KSP allocation= 86400
SP DailyKSP allocation amount = (Daily KSP allocation) * SP KSP distribution rate(5%) * SP distribution ratio
Example - How to calculate APR for KLAY SP - Total LP volume = 40,000,000 $ - DailyKSP = 1728 = 86400 (daily distribution KSP) * 0.05 (SP KSP distribution rate) * 0.4 (KLAY SP distribution rate) - 1KSP = 29.20$ - APR = 1728 * 29.2 / 40000000 * 365 * 100 = 46.04%
Utilization Range
Borrowing Rate Range
0% ~ 60%
0% ~ 20%
Borrowing Rate = Utilization / 3
60% ~ 90%
Borrowing Rate = 0.2
90% ~ 100%
20% ~ 100%
Borrowing Rate = Utilization * 8 - 7
Liquidity providers will receive LP Token (Liquidity Pool Token) as proof of their stake in liquidity. Once a user withdraws the deposited assets, LP Token will be returned and a user will receive the corresponding assets such as KSP, transaction fees, and Airdrop rewards.
KSP Reward: For a liquidity provider in KSP Reward Pool, a certain amount of daily KSP mining will be rewarded during the liquidity supply period.
Transaction fee reward: For a liquidity provider in any pools other than KSP Reward Pool, the transaction fee will be rewarded according to a provider’s LP stake in 50% of the transaction fee.
Airdrop reward: For a liquidity provider in Airdrop Reward Pool, airdrop tokens will be rewarded during the liquidity supply period.
LP token holders can estimate the KSP annual reward rate of 1LP as follows:
APR fluctuates in real-time according to LP price and KSP price.
LP Provider KSP Reward APY = ((1+ APR / 365) ^ 365 -1) * 100
Daily KSP allocation = 86400
LP Daily KSP distributin amount = (daily KSP allocation) * LP provider KSP distribution rate * voting rate
example - How to calculate APR for KLAY/KUSDT Pair LP as of August 24, 2021 - Total LP = 45,589,138 $ - DailKSP = 4427 = 86400 (Daily Distribution KSP) * 0.6 (LP Provider KSP Distribution) * 0.0854 (Voting rate) - 1KSP = 29.20$ - APR = 4427 * 29.2 / 45589138 * 365 * 100 = 103.5%
example - How to calcuale APR for KLAY/KUSDT Pair LP as of August 24, 2021 - Total LP = 45,589,138 $ - TradeFee(24H) = 33,677 $ - APR = 33677 * 0.5 / 45589138 * 365 * 100 = 13.5%
How to check DailyAirdropToken of a specific LP - You can check the distribution contract address registered in the LP by using the distributionEntries function of the Treasury Contract (Multiple Distribution Contracts can be registered in one LP.) - You can check DailyAirdropToken with the searched address using the blockAmount and token functions of Distribution Contracts. (You can check the status of early closure or end through the functions of distributedAmount, estimateEndBlock, and totalAmount.)
example - Process of obtaining APR of arbitrary token X and LPX - Total LPX size = 45,500,000 $ - Token X price = 2$ - Number of tokens distributed per block = 2 - DailyAirdropToken = 10 * 86400 = 864000 - APR = 2 * 86400 * 2 / 45500000 * 365 * 100 = 277%
As Plus Pair Deposit Pool utilizes assets from Single Deposit Pool once liquidity is supplied, Plus Pari Pool users pay for asset utilization fee.
General Pair Deposit Pool APR Plus multiple - Utilized asset cost(Plus multiple -1)