
This contract acts as an administrator to manage the voting registration, voting counting, and execution of the Klayswap. It also performs important parameters of KLAYswap, proposal registration, and voting execution.


Github Link: (Will be updated after official launch)


Events, Read-Only Functions, and State-Changing Functions



event ProposalCreated(uint id, address proposer, address target, string signature, bytes callData, uint startBlock, uint endBlock, string description);
  • Events log of proposals are created

  • Parameters

    • id : proposal ID

    • proposer : proposer's address

    • target : Address of the contract to be executed

    • signature : signature of the function to be executed

    • callData : function data to be executed

    • startBlock : start block number

    • endBlock : end block number

    • description : proposal details


event VoteCast(address voter, uint proposalId, bool support, uint votes, uint againstVotes, uint forVotes, uint quorumVotes, string reason);
  • Events log of vote

  • Parameters

    • voter : voter's address

    • proposalId : proposal ID

    • support : support

    • votes : Number of vote vKSP

    • againstVotes : Number of total against vote

    • forVotes : Number of total favor vote

    • quorumVotes : Number of proposal quorum

    • reason : reason


event ProposalCanceled(uint id);
  • Events log of proposal canceled


event ProposalQueued(uint id, uint eta, uint tid);
  • Events log of proposal queued


event ProposalExecuted(uint id, bool succeeded);
  • Events log of proposal executed


event ProposalFeeSet(uint oldProposalFee, uint proposalFee);
  • Events log of proposal fee(KSP) changed