Automation of KSP distribution rate

KLAYswap governance distributes KSPs by evaluating each pair's contribution and growth potential through the automated KSP distribution rate system that comprehensively reflects KSP buyback quantities.

KSP buyback quantity

  • The clearest indicator that measures the degree of contribution to KLAYswap and KSP is the volume of transactions, and the KSP buyback quantity functions as an objective indicator that measures the volume in a continuous manner.

  • Smart contracts automatically buyback KSP every hour with the pool usage fees generated from each pool, and the daily KSP buyback volume accumulated per pair is burned once a day, and counted as a daily indicator.

  • To reflect both short-term and long-term indicators, we reflect all KSP buyback quantities; 1st day (50%), 7th day (50%).

KSP distribution ratio reflection policy

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